Monday, June 12, 2006

Pitchfork Is Smarter Than You

I clicked on this review because I recently saw Growing perform at The Ottobar, before Thrones and Boris. I really have no interest in listening to a Growing album after watching that performance, and that isn't because they are bad, but simply not something that I really dig. They are definitely talented and unique and I respect that, but again, not for me. I think this review is a good read for anyone who frequents because it shows how out of hand their reviews are. Are they edited before they are posted? Somehow I feel there has to be someone up there that wants to reign these writers in. There are about four or five sentences (in the three paragraphs) that actually discuss the CD, it's contents and how it might or might not capture your interest. If the music "really occurs in a live setting" than why are we giving the album a 6.8. Also, three words I never want to see in the same sentence again: "aural amniotic fluid."

Words from this article that I made flashcards for (GRE preparation, Pitchfork-style):
metier | variegate | effulgence | exigent | ephemeral | mandala

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