Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New York Doll

New York Doll is a wonderful documentary that traces the fascinating trajectory of Arthur "Killer" Kane from his involvement in the meteoric rise of the influential New York Dolls in pre-punk New York City to his conversion to Mormonism and eventual reunion (at Morrissey's behest) 30 years later with the other surviving members of the New York Dolls, David Johansen and Sylvain Sylvain. I have just come to know the music of the Dolls in recent years and the film has inspired me to learn more about the life and times of this band as well as their legacy in rock and punk. Regardless of your taste in music this movie is a beautiful, touching experience that will leave even the casual viewer affected.

MP3: New York Dolls - "Pills"

Official Site
Buy New York Doll

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