Saturday, September 30, 2006

!Forward, Russia!

[Official Site | MySpace]

An insert in a package I recently received from Insound shared a cryptic editor's note on !Forward, Russia!: "Bloc Party meets At The Drive-In." You know I am getting to the bottom of that one, but the fact remains that these guys are good, catching a lot of buzz, and coming to a venue near you. An added bonus is Metro D fave Snowden opening up for them. Dates follow and you can read more at Filter Mag.

25 - Seattle, WA - Crocodile Cafe
26 - Portland, OR - Dante's
28 - Los Angeles, CA - Spaceland
30 - San Francisco, CA - Café du Nord
2 - New York, NY - Mercury Lounge
27 - Boston, MA - Great Scott
28 - New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
29 - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's
30 - Montreal, QC - Mile End Cultural Centre Main Hall
1 - Toronto, ON - The Legendary Horshoe Tavern
2 - Detroit, MI - Magic Stick
4 - Cleveland, OH - Grog Shop
5 - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle
6 - Minneapolis, MN - Triple Rock
8 - Kansas City, MO - The Record Bar
9 - Oklahoma City, OK - Conservatory
10 - Dallas, TX - Gypsy Tea Room
11 - Austin, TX - Stubbs
12 - Houston, TX - Walters
14 - Atlanta, GA - Earl
15 - Chapel Hill, NC - Local 506
16 - Washington, D.C. - Black Cat

MP3: !Forward, Russia! - "Four"
MP3: !Forward, Russia! - "Nine"

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