Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Re-Upping with Rolling Stone

I've been receiving issues of Rolling Stone for the past year and I'm fairly certain this was gifted to me although I'm not sure by whom. I know this because I've never paid for it. Despite all of its shortcomings, I enjoy the magazine and typically read through everything but the political articles, however, I've largely ignored the requests to "renew" my subscription. Yesterday, my final notice arrived in the mail along with the Yearbook 2007 issue. I set it aside and readied it for the trash. It wasn't until I opened the magazine and noticed that, shockingly, there was an interview with none other than the reclusive Cormac McCarthy. Well played RS, my $12.95 is in mail.

It wouldn't be fair to mention this without noting that NF got me into Cormac this year with "The Road" - easily the best book I've ever read - and I've been tearing through his other books ever since.


NF said...

Get some!

JK said...

I'm still not ready to forgive them for including Britney, Fall Out Boy, and Zeitgeist in their top 50 though...

NF said...

um. yeah. i'm glad i gave you an opportunity to add that, as well. i, too, have had a subscription to rolling stone, for free since the beginning of time. i still don't know why it still arrives every two weeks, or how it was able to track me down to my hovel in los anjealous.